



After learning the basic skills of roller skating, you can always develop further and one of the directions of roller skating is slalom. Absolutely everyone starts with the basics and we will be happy to teach you that. We will show you step by step how to do parallel, cres-cross, monoline, one foot and many other basic and very beautiful elements of slalom. After learning the course, your skills will be admired.

Slalom – one of the most spectacular disciplines in roller skating, it is also the main competitive. Slalom classes require basic skating skills and confident riding in a straight line, back to front and on one leg. Freestyle slalom suited for those who are willing to work hard to get a spectacular result.

Perfection style as the concept of perfect riding conditional. You can perform the elements technically that will allow you to ride easily, confidently and firmly on his feet, not worrying about his riding, but you can ride with style, developing a personal and unique style of riding, familiar to us by the videos legendary riders. Is that what you strive for? Definitely slalom is for you.

Course syllabus
– Basic elements: hil-toe, toe-toe, monoline, and others
– More advanced types of grapevines, shopping carts, vann-foots, and others
– Combinations and ligatures
– Physical activities and underpinning exercises
– Lifehacks for working with your own style